You Lost Me - Christina Aguilera
I am done, smoking gun
We’ve lost it all, the love is gone
She has won, now it’s no fun
We’ve lost it all, the love is gone
And we had magic
And this is tragic
You couldn’t keep your hands to yourself
I feel like our world’s been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We’ve found our lives been changed
Babe, you lost me
And we tried, oh how we cried
We lost ourselves, the love has died
And though we tried you can’t deny
We’re left as shells, we lost the fight
And we had magic
And this is tragic
You couldn’t keep your hands to yourself
I feel like our world’s been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We’ve found our lives been changed
Babe, you lost me
Now I know you’re sorry and we were sweet
But you chose lust when you deceived me
And you’ll regret it, but it’s too late
How can I ever trust you again?
I feel like our world’s been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We’ve found our lives been changed
Babe, you lost me
Yup.. You Lost Me adalah salah satu single pop balad nya Christina Aguilera yang paling ciamik menurut gw..
Selain hurt sama voice within tentunya, tapi ini gak kalah keren kok. Apalagi kemampuan vokalnya disini keliatan banget, dia bawain lagunya super mantep. Nada" di lagunya dimaenin gitu, kayak pake cangkok (klo musik dangdut ibaratnya gitu) Hahhaha.. kalo untuk lagu balad apa yaa namanya.
Nadanya dibikin bergoyang gitu deh pokoknya. Hahaa yang pasti ini lebih cool dari cangkok dangdut #weew
So, yang lagi nyari salah satu lagunya Christina Aguilera, coba download & dengerin deh lagu ini
ini linknya gan.. Monggo
Kalo mo liat videonya..